522 sm bahasa Inggris
- sm: bc; bce; b
- kelahiran 522 sm: 522 bc births
- kematian 522 sm: 522 bc deaths
- The Behistun Inscription of Darius states that his father was satrap of Bactria in 522 BCE.
Inskripsi Behistun menyatakan bahwa ayah Darius adalah satrap Bactria pada tahun 522 SM. - The Iranians had grown rebellious against Cambyses's rule and on 11 March 522 BCE a revolt against Cambyses broke out in his absence.
Orang-orang Iran lalu memberontak terhadap Cambyses, dan pada 11 Maret 522 SM, perlawanan terhadap Cambyses pecah. - Amestris was the daughter of Otanes, one of the seven noblemen reputed to have killed the magus who was impersonating King Bardiya in 522 BC.
Amestris adalah putri Otanes, salah satu dari tujuh bangsawan yang membunuh peniru magus raja Persia Bardiya pada tahun 522 SM.